Get to know the Founder of Balance 4 Paws

Jill Stienissen is the founder of Balance 4 Paws. She has studied animal care in the Netherlands for 3 years and did several internships and volunteer work with animals. She also worked as a veterinary nurse for about 2 and a half years in Nad Al Shiba Veterinary Clinic. Her passion to work with animals always stayed and that is why she started Balance 4 Paws.

“Alternative healing and holistic healing made such a big change in my life that I wanted to do the same for animals. I want all animals to live a happy and balanced life. And I deeply believe that alternative healing can make such a difference to an animals life like it did with me.”

How did Balance 4 Paws come to creation?

I myself struggled a lot with depression and anxiety, wherein I did lots of therapy in the past which didn’t really work for me. About a year ago I came across a holistic healer, and we instantly had a connection. She changed my life, and I have never felt better. She gave me the idea to use what I learned to help animals – this is where I started researching alternative healing for animals and how beneficial it is.

I started a course for crystal healing and reiki for animals and started working with crystals on animals. Seeing amazing benefits on the animals I’ve worked with, made me eager to continue sourcing high quality and genuine suppliers from all over the world to select my crystals from and make them into pendants for animals to wear and jewellery for their owners. Because if the owner is not balanced, the animal will pick up on that.

Do you hand pick each and every crystal for specific cases?

Yes! All crystals that I offer have been researched thoroughly and a full description is up on my website to also guide the owners which crystal will be best suited for their pet. All crystals offer different benefits so it is important to pick the right crystal!

Where can people find you, do you have a physical location?

People can reach me on my website or on my social media channels like Facebook and Instagram. Some of my collection can be seen on display at City Vet Clinic on Al Wasl Road.

What makes Balance 4 Paws unique?

I get a lot of reactions from people who were surprised that crystals offer benefits for animals. They all tell me that they know the benefits for humans, but never knew about animals benefitting from it – while the truth is that most animals actually benefit from it much more than humans! Animals are much closer to energies than we are. More and more people are starting to see the benefits of holistic healing for themselves and for animals.

Behaviour or health issues in animals can be related to an imbalance. It is the same with humans. When I suffered with my mental health I got a lot of physical health issues. Once I worked on myself, all these health issues went away. This is the same for animals. If animals are suffering from an imbalance it can show all kinds of health and behavioural issues. That is why it is so important to make sure your furrbabies are balanced and happy.

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